Don't you just love buffets? Such yummy stuff!
Christmas Card Buffets fall right into that same category...
great creative fun and soooo good!
The Christmas Card Buffet for November 2nd and November 14th are now full,
so don't miss your chance to get in on this year's fun!
There is only ONE more dates available... November 19th at 6pm
Enjoy creating your Christmas cards this year
in a fun filled environment where friends
& holiday flair come together!
Join in the fun of making fabulous Christmas Cards early.
This holiday workshop includes: tons of fun, great
paper-crafting techniques & all supplies needed to
create 4 different card designs &
12 cards (with envelopes). AND... drawings and prizes!!
Class Fee: $30 per person
(***$10 with $20 product order)
Make your reservation today!
Contact Dee at 972.974.3931
To receive an extra Holiday goodie - contact me to place a
product order of $20 between October 20-31, 2014.
Don't forget when you place your product order,
your Christmas Card Buffet fee is only $10!
Click the "Register" Link and join the fun!
product order of $20 between October 20-31, 2014.
Don't forget when you place your product order,
your Christmas Card Buffet fee is only $10!
Click the "Register" Link and join the fun!
Registration closes for the November 19th
Buffet on November 9, 2014- or when full -
so reserve NOW!